Carpenter Ants

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The carpenter ant is of the “Camponotus” genus and “Hymenoptera” order. Its classification originates from a unique excavation process, constructing galleries from decaying wood structures, such as downed trees. Like the termite species, the carpenter ant species colonize in large numbers to survive in harsh conditions. There are thousands of “Camponotus” species, many of which play a major role in the forest industry. As downed and decaying trees in forests generate greenhouse gas emissions, carpenter ants are working hard to speed up decomposition.

Carpenter ants excavate decomposing trees and other organic debris in forests. The species also play a role in the agriculture industry, helping farmers control the aphid population.

Why Is My Property Infiltrated By Carpenter Ants?

The carpenter ant colony is comprised of a queen (the primary reproductive member), winged and wingless swarmers, soldiers, and workers. The worker carpenter ant is one of the hardest working insect species. The queen continuously reproduces workers to ensure there is always enough to complete physical tasks, the other members cannot manage.

The soldier carpenter ant protects the colony from enemy attacks. Soldiers have uniquely shaped heads that are utilized to block entrances into underground tunnels.

Home infiltration by carpenter ants is not uncommon. In fact, thousands of home infiltration cases are reported in the United States each year. While many of these cases do not result in a full-blown carpenter ant infestation, some do. The insects enter homes and businesses in search of essentials – food and water.

Do Carpenter Ants Transmit Disease?

Carpenter ants do not carry disease, but they have been linked to human illnesses. When the insects ingest contaminated food and water, it is later evacuated from the body through fecal material. The contaminated fecal matter is dropped into exposed food and on countertops utilized for meal preparation. Humans ingest the contaminated food, resulting in foodborne illnesses, such as Shigella, E. coli, and salmonella.

What Is The Most Potent Carpenter Ant Management Solution?

Consumers have two treatment options at their disposal. These treatments include do-it-yourself and professional pest control, with the former being of a higher potency level. A severe infestation can have dozens or hundreds of carpenter ants, requiring a complex treatment strategy like our professional pest control.

Our professional combinational pest management strategy targets carpenter ants in all phases of the life cycle.

Do Pest Control Experts Utilize Do-It-Yourself Pesticides?

Some pest control companies may utilize do-it-yourself or over-the-counter pest control products. However, our pest control company utilizes industrial-strength pesticides and insecticides. Our industrial-strength pest control products are suitable for a carpenter ant infestation of all severity levels.

We combine industrial-strength insecticides with glue traps and visual inspections to ensure full eradication of the colony.

When Will The Exterminator Be Available For A Carpenter Ant Inspection?

We will have your carpenter ant inspection request completed within 24 and 48 hours. You will be given ample opportunity to schedule an appointment for the inspection after it is processed.

Is It Possible To Prevent A Repeat Carpenter Ant Infestation?

Yes, with the right prevention strategy, your property will remain carpenter ant-free for as long as you are the owner. Learn more by contacting our local extermination team at your earliest convenience.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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